
My largest painted miniature to date: a Dragon Forebearer by Loot Studios
Sculpted by Rafael Ussuy with concept work by Guilherme Motta

Guide to Legions Imperialis / Adeptus Titanicus bases

Here is another quick basing guide, this time for the stompiest GW game, Adeptus Titanicus. Even with the introduction of some brand new titan options, basing your god-engines remains a simple affair compared to the mess that is Warhammer 40k or even Wasteland Warfare. All that is bound to change, however, if the studio ever comes around to releasing a new edition of Epic Armageddon. Fingers crossed?

This is a living article: I update it as new releases hit the shelves.

Latest update - 06.05.2023

Trappers of men

"Do not bite into the meat just yet, little ones. First we grab this fleshling by the throat and feel it wriggle, squirming for life in our hands. Way of Fraya is sustained by death, and to keep the hunter strong, killing should never come easy."

Tø desecrate the eternity

In these attempts to solve a riddle of immaterial conscience my collegues have written tome after tome, each straying further from the truth of the matter. Too many of them cannot help but make the same mistake of anthropomorphize creatures of the Empyrean: even when the researchers do not expect these so-called Neverborn to share our values and logic, they still assume them to have some level of comprehension and planning comparable to one we can experience firsthand. Perhaps, ancient animistic cultures that used to worship simple phenomena of their primitive worlds like rockfalls, tornados and wildfires were closer to the truth than any of us educated men. It is folly to compare conscience of Neverborn formed in an unpredicable turmoil of the Empyrean to any mind fundamentally based on material laws and principles. Instead, we need to ask ourselves: what would a sentient element like fire think like?
Fire does not have grudges, plans or reasons.
Fire just wants to burn.
"Tracking the unfathomable:
Chronicles of the most significant Warp-anomalies in Tharses sector",
Chapter II, Section 

Guide to Wasteland Warfare bases

This is a list of base sizes for Modiphius line of Wasteland Warfare miniatures, made in the same vein as a previously published guide for Games Workshop figures. My hope is for this article to serve as a size comparison to keep at hand when converting, searching for alternate models, scaling your 3d prints and the like. Note that, unlike Games Workshop, Modiphus does not list base sizes on their website and thus this guide is only possible due to imput of hobbyists like you. Make sure to hit me up with any corrections or questions you might have!

This is a living article: I update it as new releases hit the shelves.

Latest update - 02.02.2023

Сhanneling a firestørm

On the first day of the last age a sacrifice shall be made of the unbeliever.
    By the despair of the first sacrifice walls of reality will be shattered.
        Unbearable heat shall come upon the land and every heart will tremble in anticipation of the revelations to come.

On the second day of the last age a sacrifice shall be made of the unbeliever.
    By the scream of the second sacrifice gates of oblivion will be swung open.
        Great fires 
shall cover the earth and the voices that sing the primordial truth shall become impossible to ignore.

On the third day
 of the last age a sacrifice shall be made of the unbeliever.
    By the agony of the third sacrifice a bridge of shimmering flames will be formed.
        And it finally 
shall walk amongst the faithful, donning the mantle of aetheric radiance and singing an inferno into being around it.

By the time 
Әamchicøde the Cønflagratør finishes its song, wherever the eye falls,
there will be no unbelievers left to sacrifice.

Beastmaster's Coffin

Take your most trusted warriors and head rimward to Bloodwind Spoil. The road through Tormented Lands is hard and perilous: watch out for hungry raptoryx flocks and chaos-worshippers hunting for fresh victims! Deep in the Hag's Claw Forest you will find a beaten craggy hill known among locals as Beastmaster's Coffin. The treasure I spoke of is buried at its foot. Mark my words, sharpen your blades, and don't blab around! Eightpoints slaughter and devour a thousand careless fools a day, but they never remember their names.

Having brøken the veil

I have already explained, but you just don't understand, do you? Your every thought and act disturbs the Sea of Souls. And time works differently in its currents. Every malicious act you could ever commit, every horrendous thought you brain will ever process — these are your sins, and you were found guilty of them before the creation of this reality. Shrieking things you hear at night — they are not simple illusions. They are your own bitterness made manifest, bringing vengeance for every atrocity you will ever be able to conceive of. They are the Impøssible Chøir, and they are coming for you.

Deathwatch Overkill review — part 2

As a proud owner of Deathwatch Overkill box I've already gave you my impressions on the base game, as well as its units and missions. However, it's just a half of the game's full potential: I was pleasantly surprised with all the expansion support Games Workshop provided for the game in White Dwarf magazine and on the Warhammer Community website. So let us examine the expanded edition of Overkill and take a look at all the new rules GW treated us with over the year the game has been out.

Medevac Centaur

Here's what you get if you take a Forgeworld model, add some bits and greenstuff and put in a few house rules after watching some WWII classics.

Deathwatch Overkill review — part 1

Arguably, the most notable 40k releases in 2016 were the long-awaited codices for xenos-hunting Deathwatch and hybrids of Genestealer Cults. The miniatures for the two factions were first shown in a Deathwatch Overkill boardgame. After the release of Shadow War: Armageddon and general rise of interest in skirmish-level games in 40k universe it's interesting to see what Overkill has to offer. So let's finally get past the cool miniatures and take an in-depth look at the game.

Command Chimera

It was never my intention to collect a mechanized Guard, but my company commander got so many medallions crimson by now I just had to get him a ride. I took the opportunity to make a couple of conversions to emphasize the command role of the vehicle - the turret is now equipped with additional radars, speakers and vox equipment. While I was at it I also fixed some parts of the model that looked way too toy-like for me, like lasgun arrays.

Guide to 40k bases

When it comes to scratch-building, kit-bashing and deep conversions it is often necessary to know a size of a base the finished model is supposed to be put on. While it wasn't a big problem up to a while ago, many recent GW models use unusual (and often unique) bases. Thus I've had a feeling that some king of basing guide could be useful. Maybe some fellow hobbyists might find this helpful as well. So let's see what each base is used for.

This is a living article: I update it as new releases hit the shelves.

Latest update - 31.08.2024

Three tank-men and a dog

I took a little more time with my second Demolisher kit and converted it into the Forgeworld's Destroyer. Changing the overall profile of the model and making it look less like a standard Russ obviously took some time, but ended up being an interesting challenge for me.

Two Hydras and a Manticore

Surely, it would be a shame to put the various uses of the Chimera chassis to waste, so I've put together several more weapon options to use on the base of my Wyverns:

Terphion Wyverns

My army is slowly heading towards completion. Now it's big guns' time:

The original Wyvern kit looked strange from day one. Making a new tank just by taking the barrels off the old Hydra? Not cool. However, since the bygone days of Final Liberation I have a fancy towards imperial Thudd Guns and after a while I saw an opportunity for a conversion here. After being put together, stormshard mortars look similar to the quad launcher which seems much nicer to me. The tank also doesn't resemble the Hydra that much anymore, which is also a good thing.

Myth-busting 40k — part 3

It's about time to finish my war on 40k misconceptions. And the last but not least come myths about xenos races and followers of Ruinous Powers. A lot of notions regarding these factions often end up incorrect, because they are more commonly used as antagonists, which way too often results in their lore being left underdeveloped. A lot of myths regarding Chaos and xenos are also born when other factions' fans try to show their opponent's faction's inferiority, often twisting the lore in order to achieve this. In retaliation even more misconceptions are made, complicating the situation even further. So let's separate the real lore and the mistakes.

Myth-busting 40k — part 2

Let's get on with myth-debunking. In the second post I gathered all misconceptions surrounding the Imperium of Man. It suffers from the excessive grimdark treatment more than any other faction: a lot of sources give a one-sided picture of wars Imperium wages and conditions, in which most of its subjects live their day-to-day lives. Another problem is that a lot of times the lack of writers' imagination leads to Imperium loosing its most important feature - infinite variability of 40k-era worlds and societies. So let's have a look at the most common mistakes.

Myth-busting 40k — part 1

Warhammer 40000 lore doesn't seem all that complex at the first glance. But 27 years do count for something and the more you dive into the universe, more complicated and tangled it becomes. With all the various canon sources constantly adding more lore to the already well-detailed universe, it becomes ever more easy to make mistakes where the background is concerned, and the number of wrong conceptions about the 40k lore is ever-growing.

I decided to put together a list of the most widespread and misleading of those misconceptions. It should be noted that 40k fluff is open to interpretation more often than not, and so I tried to avoid the areas that are made from the start to be dependent on reader's opinion, leaving only those where the lore is pretty much set. I also avoided small misconception devoted to small sub-factions. But the number of myths ended up being too high anyway, so I ended up dividing one post to three. And in the first one I've listed all general misconceptions, not really connected to a single 40k faction.