Guide to 40k bases

When it comes to scratch-building, kit-bashing and deep conversions it is often necessary to know a size of a base the finished model is supposed to be put on. While it wasn't a big problem up to a while ago, many recent GW models use unusual (and often unique) bases. Thus I've had a feeling that some king of basing guide could be useful. Maybe some fellow hobbyists might find this helpful as well. So let's see what each base is used for.

This is a living article: I update it as new releases hit the shelves.

Latest update - 15.03.2025


25 mm
Unaugmented humans in sub-flak and flak armour (Guardsman, Tempestus Scion, Solar Auxilia, Traitor Guardsman, Cultist, Ruinstorm Possessed Auxiliary (suggested), Hive Scum / Brood Scum, Neophyte Genestealer Hybrid), Arco-flagellant, Autosavant, Skitarii Ranger / Vanguard, Secutarii Hoplite / Peltast, Ratling, Servitor, Tech-thrall / Tech-thrall Certus, Servo-automata, CORV / E-COG, Servo skull / Tome-skull, Teleport Homer, Cherubim, Dog / Aximillion, Cyber-Mastiff / Macula, Rantal-class Venatus Reclamator / R-VR, Cawdor Bomb Delivery Rat
Techmite Oculi, Techmite Autoveyer, Mole grenade
Blue Horror, Brimstone Horrors, Poxwalker, Vox-Shambler, Mutoid Vermin (Sludge-Grub, Cursemite, Glitchling, Eyestinger Swarm), Daemonette / Herald of Slaanesh, The Masque, Daemonhost, Hamadrya, Accursed Cultist Mutant
Kabalite Warrior (expected to move to 28mm), Wych (expected to move to 28mm), Wrack (expected to move to 28mm), Harlequin Player (expected to move to 28mm), Aspect shrine token
Gretchin / Grot Oiler / Grot Orderly / Grot Ammo Runt, Attack / Bomb Squig
Neurogaunt, Spore Mine (Poison / Frag / Bio-Acid), Neuroloid, Genestealer Familiar
Tau Fire Warrior / Breacher / Pathfinder, Oversight drone
Jokaero, Caryatid / Caryatid Prime, Watcher in the Dark, Spindle Drone, Phelynx, Psychoterric Wyrm, Borewyrm infestation, Arthromite Spinewyrm, Sheen Bird, Malstrain Tyramite

28 mm
Sister Repentia, Sister Novitiate, Astartes Scout/Primaris Neophyte, Gaunt's Ghosts (Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt, Colonel Colm Corbec, Major Elim Rawne, Master Sniper Hlaine Larkin, 'Try Again' Bragg, Sergeant Scout Oan Mkoll), Cadian Command Squad (Cadian commander, Veteran guardsman), Kasrkin, Tempestus Aquilon, Adeptus Arbites, Imperial Navy Navis Gunner / Endurant, Sha'dar Hunter
Hearthkyn Warrior, Cthonian Beserk, Ironkin Assistant, Ironhead Squat Prospector, Techmite Exovator 078b
Dark Commune Blessed Blade, Jakhal cultist
Guardian Defender / Storm Guardian, Howling Banshee, Dark Reaper, Dire Avenger, Striking Scorpion, Fire Dragon, Striking Scorpion, Shadow Spectre, Warp Spider, Ranger, Corsair Reaver / Voidscarred, Incubus / Klaivex, Mandrake (Nightfiend / Abyssal / Chooser of the Flesh / Dirgemaw / Shadeweaver)
Flayed One, Canoptek Plasmacyte
Termagaunt / Hormagaunt, Neurogaunt Nodebeast
Kroot Carnivore / Long-quill / Farstalker, Kroot Hound, Vespid Stingwing (Strain leader / Shadestrain / Longsting / Skyblast / Swarmguard / Warrior)

32 mm (AKA the small flying base)
Humans in power / artificer armour (Sister of Battle / Dominion / Seraphim / Zephyrim / Palatine / Dogmata / Celestian Sacresant, Repentia Superior, Novitiate Superior, Sister of Silence Prosecutor / Vigilator / Witchseeker, Inquisitor, Techpriest Enginseer, Macrotek Enginseer, Cybernetica Datasmith), Electro-Priest Fulgurite / Corpuscarii, Servitor / X-101, Van Saar Neotek on grav-cutter, Brôkhyr Iron-master, Einhyr Hearthguard, Spyrer in Yeld / Malcadon / Jakara / Sovereign hunting rig
Astartes Firstborn Tactical / Assault / Devastator Marine, Astartes Firstborn Sternguard / Vanguard Veteran, Astartes Pimaris Intercessor / Assault Intercessor / Sternguard Veteran / Hellblaster / Reiver / Infiltrator / Incursor / Desolation Marine / Infernus Marine
Ironhead Squat Exo-kyn
Chaos Astartes (Chosen, Fallen, Khorne Berzerker, Rubric Marine, Plague Marine, Noise Marine), Negavolt Cultist, Bloodletter / Herald of Khorne, Flamer of Tzeench, Screamer of Tzeentch, Pink Horror / Herald of Tzeench, Beastman (Ironhorn, Deathknell, Fluxbray, Shaman, Vandal) / Tzaangor, Plaguebearer / Herald of Nurgle, Fury, Ruinstorm Daemon Chosen (suggested), Ruinstorm Lesser Daemon (suggested), Ruinstorm Possessed Legionary (suggested)
Swooping Hawk, Windrider / Skyrunner / Corsair Cloud Dancer, Reaver, Hellion / Beastmaster, Scourge, The Visarch Sword of Ynnead, Lelith Hesperax
Painboy, Wurrboy, Mek, Runtherd, Boss Nob, Ork Boy / Beast Snagga Boy / Stormboy / Loota Boy / Burna Boy / Kommando / Tankbusta
Genestealer, Gargoyle, Acolyte Genestealer Hybrid, Hybrid Metamorph / Kellermorph, Genestealer Aberrant / Hypermorph
Royal Warden, Plasmancer, Cryptothrall, Necron Warrior, Immortal / Deathmark, Lychguard / Triarch Praetorian, Tomb Blade
XV25 Stealth armour, most drones (MV1 Gun, MV4 Shield, MV5 Stealth, MV7 Marker, MV8 Missile, MV17 Interceptor, MV31 Pulse Accelerator, MV33 Grav-Inhibitor, MV36 Guardian, M37 Advanced Guardian, MV52 Shield, MV62 Command-link, MV71 Sniper, MV84 Shielded Missile, MB3 Recon, DX4 Technical, Blacklight Marker, Heavy Gun), Kroot Kill-broker, Kroot War Shaper / Flesh Shaper / Trail Shaper
Man of Iron / UR-025, Phyrr Cat, Millisaur, Cyberarachnid, Ripperjack, macro-grapplehawk / Terror's Shadow

40 mm
Ogryn / Bullgryn, Human in Terminator armour, Lady Haera, Krieg death rider, Celestine the Living Saint, Sicaran Ruststalker / Infiltrator, Sydonian Skatros, Pteraxii Skystalker / Sterylizor, Archmagos / Archmagos Prime / Archmagos Draykavac, Mechanicum Magos Dominus, Myrmidon Secutor / Myrmidon Destructor, Thallax / Ursarax, Scyllax, Luther Pattern Excavation Automata "Ambot", 'Sanctioner' Pattern Automata, Van Saar Arachni-rig, Astra Militarum scanner (OOP), Krieg engineers with mole launcher, Krieg weapon team with heavy flamer, Fire Wasp drone (suggested), Stig-shambler, Astartes Terminator (Paladin / Deathwing Knight) / Librarian in Indomitus / Cataphractii / Tartaros / Aegis Terminator armour, Wulfen, 30k-era Primarchs (Lion El'Jonson, Fulgrim, Perturabo, Jaghatai Khan, Leman Russ, Rogal Dorn, Konrad Curze, Sanguinius, Ferrus Manus, Angron, Roboute Guilliman, Mortarion, Magnus, Horus, Lorgar, Vulkan, Corvus Corax, Alpharius), Astartes Primaris Captain / Lieutenant / Ancient / Chaplain / Judicar / Apothecary / Apothecary Biologis / Techmarine, Inceptor / Supressor, Aggressor / Eradicator, Heavy Intercessor, Eliminator, Vitrix Guard, Bladeguard Veteran/Ancient, Custodian Guard / Custodian Wardens / Sagittarum Guard / Shield-Captain / Vexilus Praetor / Captain-General Trajann Valoris, Allarus Custodians / Shield-Captain or Vexilus Praetor in Allarus Terminator Armour, Custodian Venatari, Spyrer in Orrus hunting rig, Lady Haera Helmawr in Sthenian hunting rig, Aquilon servo-sentry, Krieg remote mine
Kâhl / Ûthar the Destined, Einhyr Champion, Grimnyr, Brôkhyr Thunderkyn
Chaos Lord, Master of Possession, Noxious Blightbringer, Haarken Worldclaimer, Astartes Possessed / Greater Possessed / Eightbound / Exalted Eightbound / Gal Vorbak, Havoc, Exalted Sorcerer on a Disc of Tzeench / Fluxmaster / Herald on a Disc of Tzeench, Nightmare Hulk / Gnasher-Screamer / Vulgrar Thrice-Cursed, Accursed Cultist Torment, Jackal Dishonoured, Mutilator, Ruinstorm Daemon Beast (suggested), Skulltaker, The Changeling, Nurglings, Ruinstorm Daemon Swarm (suggested)
Asuryani heavy weapons platform, Wraithguard / Wraithblade, Grotesque, Asurmen, Jain Zar, Maugan Ra, Fuegan, Baharroth, Lhykhis, Drazhar
Warboss, Big Mek, Weirdboy, Painboss, Meganob / Big Mek in Mega-Armour, Flash Git, Boss Snikrot, Da Red Gobbo on Bounca, Snotling swarm
Ravener, Zoanthrope / Neurothrope / Venomthrope, Barbgaunt, Von Ryan’s Leaper, Mucolid Spore, Mieotic Spore Sack, Rippers / Sky Slashers, Parasite of Mortrex, Abominant with a mindwyrm familiar, Malstrain Genestealer
Necron Overlord, Psychomancer / Chronomancer, C'Tan Shard of the Deceiver / Nightbringer, Canoptek Acanthrite, Canoptek Scarab Swarm
Tau sniper drone controller, DS8 tactical support turret, Ethereal on hover drone
Sslyth, Khymerae, Clawed Fiend, Sumpkroc, Piscean Spektor, Fenrisian Wolf / Cyberwolf, Khimerix, Razorwing flock, Wasteland Giant Rat, Servant of the Silent Ones

Warhammer 40000 objectives (suggested)

50 mm
Astra Militarum Heavy Weapon Team, Tech-Priest Dominus, Tech-Priest Manipulus, Astartes Captain in Terminator Armour / Belial, Asmodai, Astartes Firstborn in Centurion Assault / Devastator warsuit, Marneus Calgar in Armour of Heraclus, Horus Ascended, Custodes Aquilon Terminator, Penitent Engine / Mortifier / Anchorite, Junith Eruita on Pulpit of Saint Holline’s Basilica, Celestan in Paragon Warsuit, Hospitaller, Vartijan Exo-Driller, Chtonian Beserk with a mole grenade launcher and an L-COG loader
Chaos Spawn, Obliterator, Ruinstorm Daemon Brute (suggested), Death Guard Lord of Contagion in Terminator armour, Syll’Esske
Warboss/Ufthak Blackhawk,Warboss in Mega Armour, Beastboss, Zodgrod Wortsnagga, Big Mek
Technomancer on a Canoptek Scarab, Skorpekh / Ophydian / Hexmark Destroyer, Canoptek Wraith, Triarchal Menhir
Winged Tyranid Prime, Neurotyrant, Tyranid Warrior, Patriarch, Hive Guard / Tyrant Guard, Lictor / Neurolictor 
XV8 Crisis, Commander Shadowsun in XV22 Stalker battlesuit, Krootox / Krootox Rider / Krootox Rampager
Ambull, Zoat, Guardian Drone, Ash Wastes Arachni-rig

65 mm (Frequently mislabeled as 60mm, AKA the large flying base)
Hermes Light / Veletaris Sentinel, Drop Sentinel  (OOP), Support Sentinel (OOP), Sentinel Powerlifter (OOP), Kastellan robots, Domitar(Conqueror) / Domitar-Ferrum, Castellax, Vorax type battle-automata, Kataphron Breacher / Destroyer battle servitor, Magos / Archmagos / Archmagos Draykavac on Abeyant, Morvenn Vahl in Purgator Mirabilis warsuit, Castraferrum (OOP), Castraferrum Ironclad (OOP), Contemptor, Contemptor-Galatus, Contemptor-Achillus type Dreadnoughts, Land Speeder Tornado (OOP) / Typhoon (OOP) / Storm (OOP) / Tempest (OOP), Land Speeder Vengeance / Ravenwing Darkshroud, Javelin Attack Speeder, Proteus Pattern Land Speeder, Scimitar jetbike, Sammael on Corvex jetbike, Agamatus jetbike, 40k-era Primarch Guilliman, High Marshal Helbrecht, Throne of Judgement, Tallarn Mukaali rider (OOP), Thunderfolf Cavalry, Atalan Wolfquad
Helbrute, Decimator, Daemon Prince, Ruinstorm Daemon Shrike (suggested), 40k-era Abaddon the Despoiler, The Blue Scribes, Epidemius, Beast of Nurgle, Foetid Bloat-drone, Greater Blight Drone, Plague Drone of Nurgle
Wraithlord / Wraithseer, War Walker / Wasp Assault Walker, Wave Serpent / Falcon / Fire Prism / Night Spinner, Vyper, Hornet, Shining Spear, Shroud Runner, Raider / Ravager / Reaper, Venom, Talos / Chronos, Starweaver / Voidweaver, Skyweaver
Deff Dread, Killa Kan
Hive Tyrant, Carnifex, Malanthrope, Deathleaper
Skorpekh Lord, Canoptek Reanimator, Ghost / Doomsday Ark, Catacomb Command Barge / Annihilation Barge, Tesseract Ark, Canoptek Spyder, Lokhust Destroyer / Lokhust Heavy Destroyer / Lokhust Destroyer Lord, Transcendent C'Tan
TY7 Devilfish / TX7 Hammerhead / TX78 Sky Ray, TX4 Piranha / Piranha TX-42, Tetra, DX-6 Remora, XV85 Enforcer, XV86 Coldstar, XV88 Broadside, XV9 Hazard / Shas'o R'alai, Commander Farsight in XV86 Supernova battlesuit, Kroot Knarloc rider (OOP), Great Knarloc (OOP) / Goaded Great Knarloc (OOP)

80 mm
Armoured / Scout Sentinel, Aethon Heavy Sentinel, Deredeo Dreadnought, Leviathan Dreadnought, Firestrike Servo-turret, Lord Solar Arcadian Leontus on Konstantin cyber-steed
Myphitic Blight-hauler, Vashtorr the Arkifane
Avatar of Khaine, The Yncarne Avatar of Ynnead
Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka, Mozrog Skragbad on Big Chompa / Beastboss on Squigosaur
Illuminor Szeras, C'tan Shard of the Void Dragon
Biovore / Pyrovore

90 mm
Redemptor / Brutalis / Ballistus Dreadnought, Invictor Tactical Warsuit, Storm Speeder Hammerstrike / Hailstrike / Thunderstrike
Canoptek Doomstalker

100 mm
Field Ordnance Battery with bombast field gun / heavy lascannon / malleus rocket launcher, Knight Armiger Warglaive / Helverin / Moirax, Repulsor / Repulsor Executioner / Impulsor, Gladiator Valiant / Lancer / Reaper, Telemon Heavy Dreadnought, Anacharis Scoria
Lord of Change (GW plastic) / Kairos Fateweaver, Keeper of Secrets (GW plastic) / Shalaxi Helbane, Ruinstorm Greater Daemon Beast (suggested), Skarbrand, Be'lakor the Dark Master, War Dog Karnivore / Brigand / Huntsman, Venomcrawler, Gigantic Chaos Spawn, Daemon Primarch Magnus / Mortarion / Angron / Fulgrim Transfigured
Norn Emissary / Norn Assimilator, Sporocyst
Szarekh the Silent King on Dais of Dominion

127 mm (Unique Forgeworld resin base)
Barbed / Scythed Hierodule

130 mm
Artillery team (heavy mortar / siege cannon / heavy quad launcher / multiple rocket launcher)
Onager Dunecrawler
Ruinstorm Daemon Lord (suggested), Ruinstorm Greater Daemon (suggested), Great Unclean One / Rotigus, Bloodthirster (Forgeworld), Lord of Change (Forgeworld)

160 mm
Astraeus super-heavy tank, Orion Assault Dropship / Ares Gunship
KX139 Ta'unar supremacy armour, Tiger Shark AX-1-0 / AX-2-2 (OOP)


60x35 mm
Astra Militarum Rough Rider / Death Rider, Serberys Raider / Sulphurhound, Skitarii Ranger / Vanguard with transuranic arquebus
Atalan Jackal / Jackal Alphus, Escher Cutter, Cawdor Ridge Walker
Warpsmith, Flesh Hound of Khorne, Seeker of Slaanesh, Infernal Enrapturess
Yvraine Emissary of Ynnead

75x42 mm
Lord Marshal Dreir on ES819
Firstborn Space Marine on a bike (OOP), Vertus Praetors / Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike, Dustback Helamite / Wy'tari Stormcaller
Chaos Space Marine Biker, Karanak the Hound of Khorne, Exalted Flamer of Tzeentch, Fiend of Slaanesh, The Contorted Epitome
Ork Warbiker / Nob on Warbike, Squighog Boy, Deffkopta

90x52 mm
Outrider / Astartes Primaris character on Raider-pattern bike, Hernkyn Pioneer on Magna-Coil Bike, Goliath Mauler
Svenotar Scout Trike
Juggernaut / Bloodcrusher / Skullmaster / Lord Invocatus / Heretic Astartes on Juggernaut
Nob on Smasha Squig
Kroot Lone-spear on a Kalamandra
Freki and Geri the wolf-kin of Russ, Arthromite Duneskuttler

105x70 mm
Ironstrider Ballistarius / Cydonian Dragoon, Belisarius Cawl, Pallas Grav-attack
Keeper of Secrets (Forgeworld), Horticulous Slimux on Mulch
XV95 Ghostkeel

120x92 mm (AKA the flyer base)
Thanatar-Cavas / Thanatar-Calix / Thanatar-Cynis, Dreadknight, Logan Grimnar on Stormrider, The Triumph of Saint Katherine, Achilles Ridgerunner, Arvus Lighter, Aquila Lander (OOP), Valkyrie Assault Carrier / Valkyrie Sky Talon / Vendetta Gunship / Vulture Gunship, Lightning / Lightning Strike (OOP) / Voss pattern Lightning Strike Fighter, Avenger Strike Fighter, Thunderbolt Heavy Fighter, Stormtalon Gunship / Stormhawk Interceptor, Xiphon pattern Interceptor, Caestus Assault Ram, Stormraven Gunship, Storm Eagle / Fire Raptor Gunship, Corvus Blackstar, Ravenwing Dark Talon / Nephilim Jetfighter, Stormwolf Assault Craft / Stormfang Gunship
Bloodthirster (GW plastic), Forgefiend / Maulerfiend, Lord Discordant on Helstalker, Bloodthirster, Cor’bax Utterblight, Slaughterbrute / Mutalith Vortex Beast, Bloodthrone / Skull Cannon of Khorne, Burning Chariot of Tzeentch, (Exalted) Seeker Chariot of Slaanesh, Dreadclaw Assault Pod (OOP) / Anvillus pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod, Heldrake, Hell Blade Fighter, Hell Talon Fighter-Bomber
Wraithknight / Skathach Wraithknight, Tantalus, Hemlock Wraithfighter / Crimson Hunter, Nightwing Interceptor, Phoenix Bomber, Razorwing Jetfighter, Voidraven Bomber, Dark Eldar Raven (OOP)
Dakkajet / Blitza-Bommer / Burna-Bommer / Wazbom Blastajet, Fighta (OOP), Fighta-Bommer (OOP), Warkopta
Trygon / Mawlock, Tyrranofex / Tervigon, Exocrine / Haruspex, Toxicrene / Maleceptor, Psychophage, Dimachaeron, Harpy / Hive Crone
Canoptek Tomb Stalker / Sentinel, Night Scythe / Doom Scythe, Night Shroud Bomber, Tesseract Vault / Obelisk
XV104 Riptide / XV107 R'Varna / XV109 Y'Vahra, AX3 Razorshark Strike Fighter / AX39 Sun Shark Bomber, Barracuda (OOP) / Barracuda AX-5-2

150x95 mm
Kustom Boosta-Blasta, Shokkjump Dragsta, Boomdakka Snazzwagon, Megatrakk Scrapjet, Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy, Warboss on a Deffkilla Wartrike

170x109 mm
Questoris Knight Paladin / Errant / Preceptor / Crusader / Warden / Gallant / Magaera / Styrix, Cerastus Knight Lancer / Acheron / Atrapos / Castigator, Dominus Knight Castellan / Valiant, Archaeopter Stratoraptor / Transvector / Fusilave, Caladius Grav-tank / Caladius Grav-tank Annihilator, Coronus Grav-carrier, Kharon Pattern Acquisitor
Questoris Knight Abominant / Desecrator / Despoiler / Rampager, Dominus Knight Tyrant, Kytan Daemon Engine, Ka'bandha, Ruinstorm Daemon Behemoth (suggested)
Gorkanaut / Morkanaut, Kill Rig / Hunta Rig
KV128 Stormsurge


70x25 mm (AKA the biker base)
Scout Biker
Renegade Ogryn Hound (OOP), Ruinstorm Daemon Cavalry (suggested)

95x40 mm (Unique Forgeworld resin base)
Warboss on warbike


It should be noted that GW doesn't take the matter of basing their models as seriously as some competition-oriented hobbyists do, especially when alternate versions of GW models are released by Forgeworld. The contradictions also arise when some type of model is in the process of being moved to another base. Here are some current examples:

  • Plastic Seekers of Slaanesh box is supplied with biker bases, but the limited edition re-release of old metal miniatures was sold on 60x35 mm ones. At the same time the plastic miniature can be seen on the 75x42 mm base on the Sector Imperialis 60mm Round, 75mm Oval & 90mm Oval Bases page on GW website.
  • The same goes for Carnifex — old version is still sold on 65 mm round base, while it was supplied with a 105x70 mm oval base in Deathstorm set and Old One Eye's Carnifex Brood bundle
  • New plastic Greater Deamons from Games Workshop use different bases from the re-released Forgeworld versions — both options are included in the list above

Some models are ocassionally shown with unusual bases. In addition to the Hierodule and Forgeworld Warboss on warbike shown above, there are other examples:

  • Some of FW field artillery pieces like Krieg Quad Launcher were initially shown on a large round base that predated the introduction of the 80/100/130/160 mm bases. This was likely just for show.
  • Many Titans, especially Eldar ones, are commonly shown on some kind of custom base, mostly for stability purposes.
  • The same goes for many super-heavy flyers: standard flyer bases can't really support the weight of those monstrosities and modelers are left to create their own basing solutions. The list includes Marauder Bomber/Marauder Destroyer, Kharybdis Assault Claw, Thunderhawk gunship, Sokar pattern Stormbird, Tau Manta, Orca Dropship (OOP) and Tyranid Harridan.

In the light of the above, the desire of some people to enforce very strict basing standards for 40k models seems even more ridiculous. In many cases in is left to the miniature owner to decide what base he wants to use. I, for one, put my Ork Nobs on 32mm bases and my Warboss in mega-armour is on 50mm one which seems perfectly fitting, given the Ork attitudes towards size and power. At the same time, I think that Assassins and Electro-Priests belong on smaller 25 mm bases, but at your workbench only your opinion matters - it's your models, after all. Hope this guile helps - I will add to it as new models get released or repackaged. And good hobbying to you all!


  1. This is a really useful post. Thanks! I'm going to share it on Pinterest to make sure I can find it later and build some exposure for it.

    1. That's nice of you. Glad you like it.

  2. Agree, this is a must share. Thanks for doing all this hard work and gathering all the information in one location!

  3. Hi, 2 minor corrections: Kataphron Battle Servitors are on 60mm bases, and Carnifex has a new base: 105x70mm

    I was doing the same work, thanks for rescuing me! It's unbelievable that no one else has made a detailed list like yours.

    P.D: I don't know how to edit comments, sorry

    1. Right, I knew the first one, a silly mistake on my part. Somehow missed the Carnifex one though, I'll fix both in a bit. Thanks a lot, I appreciate your input!

  4. Excellent resource! Thank you for putting this together.

  5. Broodlord is stated to be on a 75X42 base on the preorder entry.

    1. Supposedly it's the same as a 75x46 one. The dimensions aren't as precise as they could be, given that GW bases widen towards the foundation. It' the same with other bases really - if you measure your standard 60mm base you'll find out it's not really 60mm in diameter, but that's how it's called.

  6. Very useful article, thanks!

  7. Was just trying to figure out the use for the 90mm bases included in Sector Imperialis, and now I know the answer is: Almost nothing. Leave it to GeeDubs to insert so many useless bases

  8. Hey just wanted to give a quick thanks, this had exactly the information I needed!

  9. Hi! Really useful reference! I'd like to point out there is an error in the XV8 Crisis Suit entry. Old Crisis uses 40mm, and new Crisis kits use 50mm. Not 50/60.

    1. Sure, new plastic ones are on 50mm, but resin XV81, XV84 and XV89 from Forgeworld are sold with 60mm, thus the inconsistency. I don't consider different base sizes between different iterations of a model to be a problem really, that happens all the time.

  10. I have to ask. What do you think about 60mm bases that are actually 65mm? I got my Start Collecting Tyranid Hive Tyrant on the one like this and it got me a bit confused

    1. 60mm bases have alway been 65mm in reality
      The only real 60mm base is the clear flying large base

  11. Skyweavers come with 60mm Flying Bases, not the 32mm as listed.

    1. Good point, I'll fix this mistake right away. Thanks for your input

  12. Anonymous28 June, 2018

    Broodlord has never been on a 50mm, you're likely thinking of The Patriarch. The Patriarch is a HQ unit for Genestealer Cult and has slightly different stats and psychic powers.

  13. My recent order of Tyrant Guard/Hive Guard came with 50mm bases.

  14. Most of infantry like Astartes now sold on 25mm bases.

  15. Tanks a lot for the post! Its very dificult find this information!

  16. Just wanted to thank you for making this and keeping it updated.
    This is a great source of information.

  17. I love what you're doing here! I just want to mention that the Custodes super Heavy flyer; the Orion Assault Dropship, is on a 160 mm base when in hover mode. It will likely be the same for the upcoming Ares Gunship :)

  18. This is incredibly useful, thank you. One thing that might be worth adding, for people that do clay base decoration, is that the top of the bases are, I believe uniformly, 3mm smaller than the bottom, so that's the size to cut to glue onto the base.

  19. Hi, awesome work!
    I'd like to point out an error: the deffkilla wartrike and all the new ork buggies come with a 150mm oval base, not 170mm

    1. Interesting, I wasn't aware that such a base existed. Could you share the exact measurements?

    2. John Stuwart08 September, 2019

      Just measured my Deffkilla Wartrike's base. It is exactly 150mmx95mm.
      Keep up the good work, guys.

  20. I believe that there is a new size of round bases being rolled out by GW, 28mm. From what I have read the new Aspect Warriors, both Howling Banshees and Incubi, from the new Blood of the Phoenix box, comes with 28mm bases.

    Is there anyone who got the box and can confirm?

    I also heard about someone who clamed that he got his Tau models from a Kill Team box on 28mm bases, but have no idea if there is any truth to that.

    1. Well, is says as much in the assembly guide you can see in any unboxing video. That's enough confirmation for me.

      I have the new Kill Team starter set right here and T'au warriors come with 25s, so that one's a false alarm.

    2. Thank you for keeping this guide updated! It really is so incredible helpful!

      While it probably does not really need to be included in a 40k guide, it could be of note that those 28mm bases seem to be used quite a lot in the warbands of GWs Warcry boxed game. So for any of you out there who are thinking about doing some conversions using those models, remember to grab some extra bases if you want to keep your army on a uniform basing size.

  21. This is extremely useful, I refer people with base size questions here all the time. That being said the new Tiger Shark model comes with the 160mm round base.

  22. Couldn't find Eldrad Ulthran on the list. After a quick customer service message, he needs a 32mm.

  23. Also Scourges are apparently upgraded to the 32mm slotted bases now, or at least what comes in the box. Don't have an official word from GW, but that's what they're shipping with.

  24. Dose anyone know where I can buy bulk round bases from? I'm looking at buying 700-800 units in either 90 or 100 mm.

    Thanks in advance.

  25. Thanks for posting this ! Having all the information in one place instead of scattered everywhere is great

  26. This List has the Yncarne on a 65mm base, but ive seen it elsewhere on an 80mm. Can anyone confirm? I just cut and dremeled an 80 and it would be a shame if it wasnt
    (Using a bashed lady olyander with horns and 6 arms like kali for the conversion jsyk)

    1. Sure enough, GW website lists it on 80mm. Fixed it, thanks!

  27. Tyranid Hierodules aren't on 120x92mm ovals like is listed here. They actually come with a sculpted circular base, approximately 5" in diameter.

    I say approximately because they are a bit misshapen, so aren't perfectly circular.

    1. Interesting case, thanks for the info.

  28. If you wanted to put a Triarch Stalker on a base it would need a 160mm base. I believe it doesn't fit in the box so GW went without base

  29. Hey guys custom building some squiggoths and a gargantuan squiggoth, any idea what base sizes would be reasonable to work toward

  30. I have an email from Forgeworld (which I am happy to send you a copy of if you like) saying that the Harridan should be on a 120x92mm base.

    1. Interesting. Emails and social media comments from Games Workshop and Forgeworld are infamously unreliable, but it's good to keep this in mind nonetheless. In the end it doesn't matter all that much, so they likely went with the most widely available option.

  31. Is it acceptable to use a 95mm oval for warboss on warbike, or do I need to cobble together a unique pill base from 2 pill biker bases and a 40mm round base?

    1. I can see no way even the most pedantic event organiser would ever expect you to do something like that

  32. Commander Farsight is missing from this listing. Or is he bundled together with the XV8 Crisis Suits? I believe they used to share the same official base size, but crisis suits were changed to 50mm when they got their plastic models, and farsight maintains his older 40mm base. (At least that is the size that some tournament organizers are requiring, not too terribly reliable I know.)

    Love this list though! Exceedingly useful and I plan to reference it more in the future!

    1. Wahapedia has Farsight listed as a 40mm base also.

  33. This has been such a godsend! I'm surprise printing an Exocrine proxy for a friend and this has been so helpful sizing both the base and the model

  34. Hello,
    Lokhust heavy destroyers are indicated with 60mm bases on GW website, but with 65mm base in your article (pretty useful, I used it many times until today)

    1. The bases GW interchangeably labels as "60 mm" or "65 mm" are in fact 65 millimetres (2.56 inches) in diameter. Check out for yourself!

    2. Oh thanks for the precision... Bad for me I am trying to 3D print my army and buy bases appart... and I am checking on the scale of each model with the images from GW website. If the bases are 65mm and not 60mm as indicated I might have a few models out of scale...

    3. It wouldn't be that big a difference really. Still good to keep in mind though.

  35. Fantastic list and its so nice to see you are keeping up with it! question more than anything else what are your thoughts on having a custodes shield captain on a 50mm base? 40mm is a decent size but just to make them stand out, Thanks!

    1. Thank you! Personally I'd say go for it: most modern releases have HQs one base size bigger than their troops anyway. Given that we have a Hospitaller on 50 and Helbrecht on 65, Custodes characters wouldn't look out of place on 50s at all. Your local tournament organiser may be a stickler about these things though, but that is another story.

    2. Amazing thanks for the reply! Yeah i think it just makes sense to make them stand out more custodes shield captains have very subtle differences compared to the normal guys half the time aha. Thanks again!

  36. Can I ask what you think would be a good base size for each of the following vehicles?

    - Rhino
    - Sicarian
    - Malcador/Dracosan
    - Land Raider
    - Baneblade

    Would be really helpful :)

    1. My religion prohibits placing vehicles that size on bases, so you'd have to look elsewhere 😱

  37. The new Cadian Command Squad mini's are now on 28mm round bases. Great list by the way, very helpful.

    1. Sure, thanks for the input. Human infantry is quite often put on 28 mm these days.

  38. So this is kinda weird but maybe worth including on this list (which is amazing and incredibly useful btw!!)... the Death Korps of Krieg heavy weapon teams that come from Forgeworld are still shipped with 60mm bases. Even though there's only 1 datasheet for the HWT now, because they're still shipped with 60mm bases I'm gonna take that as GW still allowing that base size to be used for the Krieg HWT ;)

    1. Interesting catch there. Forgeworld versions of GW plastics quite often end up stuck to a differently sized base

  39. Great resource, thanks. One small update I noticed. After they were repackaged for 9th, Eldar Dire Avengers are now on a 28mm base.

    1. Thanks! Makes sense as most Aeldari models have been switching to 28mm for a while now

  40. Aren't most first born dreadnoughts (such as Death Company) on 60mm?

    1. GW calls the base by different names at different times, but it has always been 65 millimeters in diameter. Measure it and see for yourself!

  41. Correction: Exalted sorcerer on disk of tzeentch is a 40mm base, not 65, according to the gw exalted sorcerer box store page. Also, are you sure the 65mm is right? I think gw calls it 60mm but I've heard that their measurements are wrong, is that why you have 65mm in your list instead?

    1. Fixed it, thanks. The bases GW dubs as '60 mm' have always been 65 mm in diameter, thus the confusion. I use the actual base sizes in this compilation.

  42. The fact that I had to try so hard to find a consolidated resource as vital as this is criminal. Thank you very much for creating and maintaining this list.

  43. Great resource thank you. I definitely have 60mm and 65mm GW round bases that are distinct though, I don't believe that 60s are just mislabelled 65s

  44. (ignore me - i think my 60mm are unofficial after all. drats. my minis are on different sized bases!)
